
A CLI utility & Node.js lib to generate strong passwords, with deterministic options

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Generate strongs passwords, with deterministics options.

CLI Tool (genpasswd)

The usage is very simple, by default the command generate a password with 15[0] characters length, using letters, numbers and symnbols:

$ genpasswd 

You can see all options using:

$ genpasswd --help

Passwords types

Passwords types is a easy way to generate a specific format password, There are:

This list can be showed using

$ genpasswd --types

By default, genpasswd use complex, you can use custom combined with selected types, for example:

$ genpasswd -l 30 -t custom --numeric --symbols 

This return a password generated with numbers and symbols, you can set specific chars to, and combine:

$ genpasswd -l 30 -t custom --chars abcDEF123
$genpasswd -l 30 -t custom --chars abcDEF --numeric

Deterministic passwords

You can generate deterministic passwords based in thre variables; a phrasepass, a salt and an iterations number, the interations are set on 1000 by default, but the phrasepass and salt are requried.

This funcions allow you to generate strong passwords for services based on two (or three) memorizables seeds.

For example, if you can set a strong password to you email account, you can use the addres as phrasepass and a simple password as the salt, for example:

$ genpasswd -d -l 30
genpass: phrasepass:  <- here you write you address (
genpass: salt:  <- here your every day password (coldplay2012$) 

Ever you use a deterministic algorithm to generate a password (with this utility) the password will be identical. You can generate it whenever you need it. The internal algorithm used to generate the password is PBKDF2.

The advantage of using as phrasepass the account name, is that you can have a different password for each service.


With npm :

$ sudo npm install genpasswd

From sources

$ git clone
$ npm install -d 

Node.js package

$ npm install --save genpasswd

In your code:

var genPasswd = require('genpasswd');

var options = {
    type: genPasswd.password.TYPE_COMPLEX,
    passwordLength: 30

genPasswd.password.generate(options, function (err, password) {
    // password is a string

You can see more details on the wiki


You can:

0- The 15 length password by default is because 15 chars is a better option (no best), based on stadistics makes for me